Welcome Beautiful One!

Welcome to Safe Sacred Sexy Sales!


Sales is a threshold.

It is a passageway between what has been and what could be. 

The sale is the gateway.

A doorway that leads someone to making an important and decisive leap into the unknown, and taking a risk on themselves. 

And you are the keeper of that gateway.

You are the one who opens that doorway, stands at the threshold and initiates those into saying YES to themselves. 

Sales has been looked at as sleazy, sticky, awkward, offensive....the list goes on.

I am here to TAKE A STAND for how BEAUTIFUL this process can be.

And invite a new way of selling online.

One that is


One that is


One that is


We are bringing the feminine back into sales.

The safe, sacred and sexy way...

Infused into the way you show up and sell. 

There is a formula to this...

Which includes 




Receive for FREE today!


How good would it feel to release that knot you get in your stomach or that uneasy feeling you feel in your root when you think about selling online? 

From my years of working with clients on selling their offers... I know THIS part can be one of THE MOST vulnerable pieces of running a soul led, service based online business. 

So many of us grew up, and still hold stories like "sales are bad"... "sales are sleazy" 

I used to hold a limiting stories that kept me hiding from offering my own gifts fully.

I held a story that I had to “sell out” in order to make money.

I held a narrative about how no one will be able to afford my offerings truly.

I hid my genius behind discounts, trades and donation based experiences believing it was the more "spiritual way".

I would frantically make an offer then hold my breath and basically expect people might be offended.

Can you relate?

But every day that I resisted selling...

Was another day I would miss the opportunity to claim the intimacy and sacredness of witnessing someone say yes to themselves.

But here’s the thing...

It wasn’t that I hated sharing and charging for my services..

I had just “learned” selling from witnessing people who saw other people as numbers.

The problem wasn’t that I hated sales..

The problem was that there was a depletion of connection within the transaction that I truly craved.

When I began embodying the care and connection that I craved within a sale, was when I began loving the process.

This was about the time I took my business from 3k-7k months to 20k-100k months...

And now I get to SHARE this soul connected, sexy sassy, intimate sales strategy with you.




Just selling...

Just as normal as brushing your teeth. 

I have set up Safe Sacred Sexy Sales to be a place where you actually get to INTEGRATE this process by releasing old limiting beliefs around sales, learn a new formula that converts your high paying clients, and during the LIVE round of this course, you actually get to PRACTICE selling your highly aligned offers with the others in the program! 

Sign up for FREE today!



This is the Mini *Free* Version of Safe Sacred Sexy Sales. 

This course was included in my signature mentorship mastermind, and now has been stripped down of all live coaching and in person trainings to now include~

1.) Somatic Movement Practices to Listen and Dance to. 

2.) Slides that will support you on your journey into selling in a safe, sacred and sexy way.

Hey, I’m your SafeSacredSexySales Mentor, Carla!

I will be guiding you through this  journey, so prepare to have some fun along the way!! 

This program is my Signature experience that will set you up and set you apart in calling in sales and lifetime clients.

I absolutely love helping women design and scale their online brands and doing sales in a way that you LOVE is ESSENTIAL to having a BUSINESS YOU LOVE!! 





Sales gets to feel...







